Redesigning your guests’ journey

七月 16, 2020

Digital hospitality solutions can enable a safe, efficient, 非接触式客人体验,为火狐体育手机导航后流行病的世界.

Thanks for joining us for this third blog in the series as we look at the hospitality industry in 2020 and beyond. If you missed the first two installments you can find them at:

Resiliency prevails in hospitality in 2020 and beyond

Hospitality 2020: A safer environment with improved security

As the world adjusts to post-pandemic realities, hotel guests want to feel safe and be safe, and at the same time they also want to make the most of their stay. As the hospitality industry reinvents itself, 酒店经营者的任务是通过减少人际交往来重新设计客人的旅程,以防止病毒的传播. Technology becomes essential as digital, contactless services take the place of face-to-face interactions. However, 成功引进新技术的关键在于以一种不引人注目的方式让客人的生活更轻松.

今天,大多数客人都带着几个移动设备,比如智能手机、平板电脑和笔记本电脑. 使用智能手机进行日常操作的超连接客人将欢迎提供价值的酒店应用程序. However, 其他可能对最先进的智能手机不太满意的客人可能不那么愿意, or have the know-how, to install a new application. 无论客人的情况如何,酒店都必须能够满足每个人的需求.

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Before the stay: Increase booking opportunities

As the industry gets back on its feet, 预计在客户决策阶段的远程交互将会增加, with most interactions taking place online. 这为酒店重新启动网站和引入移动应用程序创造了一个绝佳的机会. 重新激活在线业务,使其更具吸引力和互动性,可以帮助缩短决策过程,提前完成更多预订.

New technologies can help hoteliers attract guests. For example, 基于增强现实技术的虚拟旅行可以让潜在客户在到达酒店之前体验酒店环境. Once the customer’s attention is captured, they can easily and quickly interact with the hotel in just one click. With Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Rainbow™ APIs real-time communications such as chat, voice and video can easily be integrated into a hotel website or mobile app. As well, our partner QuickText, 据估计,有了他们的语音助手——一种能够自动回答常见问题的自然语言聊天机器人——酒店可以增加大约9%的直接在线收入.

During the stay: A contactless, personalised guest experience

Traditionally, the first step in the guest stay is check-in. The image of people queuing in the lobby, exchanging documents with reception staff, and handling physical keys will become a thing of the past, or at least be significantly reduced. 随着客户应用程序的在线注册,非接触式入住将成为新的规范.

另一种选择是在大厅引入自助登记亭. Smart kiosks that integrate thermal imaging cameras, 文件扫描和面部识别可以使整个注册过程更容易,更安全,并尽量减少人际互动. 少数酒店工作人员仍将提供传统的登记服务, or to assist guests with the self-service kiosks as required.

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Digital Age Networking offers a number of technologies to enable these different check-in options. IoT enablement allows secure and automatic onboarding of kiosks, digital signage or scanners that need to connect to the network. Alcatel-Lucent OmniAccess® Stellar Location-based Services (LBS) can detect when a guest with a reservation arrives at the hotel lobby. And, Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow Workflow can send a personalized welcome message, trigger an automatic check-in, download the digital key and guide the guest to the room.

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The smart guestrooms这是我们在2019年探索的一个趋势,将有助于让客人住得更舒适. 随着我们走向非接触式环境,远程控制室自动化变得越来越有趣, 因为它允许客人无需触摸物理开关即可控制照明和房间温度. 将远程房间控制与访问以及在单个客人应用程序中订购酒店服务的能力相结合是理想的产品.

如今,已有多平台解决方案允许在各种设备上部署eConcierge应用程序. For guests who are reluctant to use their own devices, 室内平板电脑或IPTV可以为房间和服务提供单点控制.

移动应用程序为酒店创造了更广泛的可能性,减少与酒店员工的个人接触,同时为客人提供服务,而不仅仅是在房间里, but in and around the venue. To make this all work smoothly, the hotel must provide superior, 无处不在的Wi-Fi,以确保客人可以在任何地方使用酒店应用程序,无缝地获取他们需要的信息, request services or ask for help. With Alcatel-Lucent OmniAccess Stellar WLAN, guests enjoy superior Wi-Fi service in the hotel, so they can access anything they need from anywhere, on any mobile device.

Additionally, with indoor location services hotel operators can provide contextual, 动态和个性化的通知,并提供给客人,因为他们在整个物业. 大型度假村可能会考虑实施人员跟踪服务,使他们能够提供无处不在的服务, for example delivering drinks and food to where a guest is located, 或者为客人提供一项服务,让他们随时了解他们的团体或家庭的其他成员在哪里. ALE LBS, supported by Rainbow Workflow, 利用OmniAccess Stellar WLAN基础设施来提供这些功能.

ALE还与酒店解决方案提供商的大型生态系统合作. For example Tapendium, which integrates Rainbow voice into its in-room tablet application, enables hotels to eliminate room phones, and Hudini, 谁的多平台eConcierge解决方案可以安装在客人的移动设备上,也可以安装在酒店的平板电脑和iptv上. 这些集成实现了客人和酒店员工之间的无缝沟通, 增加客人的流动性,最终帮助建立客户忠诚度和满意度.

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After the stay: See you soon

最后,当离开酒店时,与员工的互动也应该保持在最低限度. 快速退房是一种普遍的做法,已经在许多酒店广泛使用,并且肯定会越来越普遍. 随着新技术的酒店可以提供快速退房从房间设备或从客人的移动应用程序. 当客人离开酒店时,可以通过定制的告别信息来个性化这个过程, including useful information for future stays, such as new discounts or other offers.

Similar to check-in, check-out capabilities are enables using ALE network infrastructure, including OmniAccess Stellar Wi-Fi, OmniAccess Stellar LBS, and Rainbow Workflow to deliver services to hotel guests.

Check out the final blog in this series where we take a deeper look at mobilizing the back-of-the-house (BOH) operations.


Ana Mata

Global Business Line Manager for Network Solutions

Ana Mata于2008年加入阿尔卡特朗讯企业部,此后在公司担任多个职位.

She is currently Global Business Line Manager for Network Solutions, 专注于不同网络产品线的销售支持和发展, including WLAN, SASE and SD-WAN and cloud-based network management.

Ana has previous experience in the Government and Hospitality industries, in support of ALE's vertical transformation.

她拥有马德里康普顿斯大学的数学学士学位, 随后是统计与运筹学系的硕士研究生.



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