
Damien Delard

Data networking and security are key to address the challenges and threats of today’s evolving digital networking landscape.


在一个不断发展的数字环境中, 2023 has emerged as a pivotal year for data networking and security. As technological advancements accelerate, so do the challenges and threats that organisations face. 对强大、创新解决方案的需求从未像现在这样强烈. 

世界各地的工业都在利用新的战略, 适应颠覆性技术, 并为保护他们的数字资产付出了额外的代价. This momentum has given birth to key trends that are shaping the future of networking and security.

Dive in to explore the top 5 trends that will set the benchmark this year for digital networking in 2024.

1. 网络自动化和AIOps

Harnessing the power of AI, network automation and AIOps are setting new standards in IT. This transformative approach not only streamlines network management but also anticipates potential disruptions. 主要的好处包括:

•高效、人工智能驱动的网络管理: Utilising artificial intelligence for network management accelerates operations, 确保最佳性能. 人工智能可以适应网络条件, 做出实时决策并优化资源, 从而减少停机时间并简化流程.

•主动中断预测和预防: 而不是仅仅对干扰做出反应, 先进的系统现在可以预测潜在的问题, 允许团队在问题升级之前采取行动. 这种远见减少了操作上的小问题, ensuring smoother service delivery and enhanced user satisfaction.

•减少手工工作,提高效率; Automating routine processes not only reduces human error but also liberates staff from mundane tasks. This shift towards automation allows employees to focus on more strategic, 增值活动, 提高整体运营效率.

•增强实时监控,深入洞察: Modern monitoring tools provide granular insights into system performance, 允许立即检测和纠正异常. 这种持续的监督确保了系统的健康, 提高安全, 并为明智的决策提供有价值的数据.

2. 网络与安全融合

The blend of networking with security protocols has led to a more integrated and robust defence mechanism. 这个联盟:

• Provides a holistic approach to data and infrastructure protection: A comprehensive strategy ensures that every facet of an organisation's digital assets is safeguarded. 从物理硬件到敏感数据, 所有元素都在一个统一的框架下受到保护, 尽量减少漏洞和潜在的破坏.

•正面应对复杂的现代威胁: 随着网络威胁的不断发展,采取主动措施至关重要. 直接面对这些挑战, organisations can anticipate and neutralise threats before they escalate, ensuring robust defence against sophisticated cyberattacks and unauthorised intrusions.

•加强安全政策,促进团队协作; Enhanced security protocols not only bolster defences but also foster collaboration among team members. 通过促进共享责任和知识的文化, 团队可以共同处理和减轻风险, 确保连贯和强化的国防战略.

3. 多重云网络

As the world leans into cloud services, 多重云网络 stands out by:

•简化各种云服务的管理:  Efficient tools and integration platforms allow seamless coordination across multiple cloud platforms, 提高操作效率,降低复杂性.

•确保不同云之间的数据流畅流动: Advanced cloud integration ensures uninterrupted data synchronisation, facilitating cohesive operations across diverse cloud environments and reducing data silos.

•提高性能,同时减少延迟: Optimal network configurations and advanced technologies help enhance data transmission speeds, 导致更快的响应时间和改进的用户体验.

•提供可扩展,易于集成的解决方案: Modern cloud platforms provide flexibility to grow with user demands, ensuring solutions can be expanded or modified effortlessly as needs evolve.

4. 采用网络即服务(NaaS)

The rise of NaaS showcases the industry's forward-thinking approach. 它的通过意味着:

• A versatile networking solution adaptable to various challenges: NaaS提供灵活性, 实时满足不断变化的业务需求, 增强业务适应性.

•减少对硬件投资的依赖: NaaS将前期成本降至最低, allowing companies to scale without extensive capital expenditure, 最大化财务效率.

• Access to cutting-edge network technologies, fostering innovation and cost-efficiency: 利用最新的进步, NaaS propels businesses into modern networking while optimising budgetary allocations.

5. 重视资讯科技保安

In today's digital age, the spotlight on IT Security is brighter than ever. 强调其重要性的是:

• The need to counteract prevalent threats such as malware and ransomware: Cyber attackers increasingly deploy these malicious software types, endangering data integrity and demanding ransom payments for data release.

• The implementation of advanced, proactive security strategies: 组织正在从被动措施过渡, adopting strategies that identify and mitigate threats before they manifest.

•持续监控以预防潜在的违规行为; 通过警惕地实时扫描异常情况, businesses can identify vulnerabilities and rectify them before attackers exploit them.

• Emphasising user training and regular security updates for enhanced protection: Educating users about best practices and updating systems regularly ensures a fortified defence against evolving cyber threats.


In 2023, 数字领域已经到了一个关键时刻, 随着数据网络和安全性的急剧变化. 

随着网络的演变持续到2024年, 关注以下5个趋势——网络自动化, 网络与安全融合, 多重云网络, NaaS和IT安全——占主导地位. Proving once again the industry’s dedication to embracing innovation to address its threats and challenges. 

Damien Delard

Damien Delard

亚太区渠道副总裁兼销售主管, 东南亚, 香港, Taiwan, Japan, 阿尔卡特朗讯企业

担任亚太区渠道副总裁和东南亚地区销售主管 & NEA, Damien Delard’s mission is to transform the way 阿尔卡特朗讯企业 collaborates with partners and help enterprises to plan their digital transformation.

Past roles with ALE include Global Head of the SMB Business Unit, 东南亚地区总经理, 亚太区运营副总裁, 东北亚渠道管理, Singapore Direct Sales Manager and regional network design consultant.  Prior to joining ALE, he held positions as a network consultant and systems engineer.

Damien holds an MBA from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) as well as a MSc in Electrical Engineering from the National Institute of Applied Science of Lyon (INSA Lyon), France.





而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.



Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

网- mod -振兴- edu -博客- 402 x226形象.jpeg


A modern, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 
