
Greg Kovich
marzo 18, 2024

现代化的校园网有助于简化运营, reduce costs, 并为工作和学习提供了一个安全和关怀的地方.

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对于今天的许多学生来说, their first taste of online and hybrid learning environments came during the global health crisis. And they liked it.

Add flexibility in course delivery to the many priorities educational institutions are juggling. Such as the pressure to up the quality of student-centric learning opportunities and make the role more rewarding for faculty members. Address the blossoming need to create a nurturing and supportive community that helps students stay on track and complete their education. Defend against all threats – both in terms of physical space and cyberspace.

That’s a handful for any single school administrator or IT manager. And after the health crisis – when so much regular work was waylaid – the situation is now reaching dire proportions on a global basis.

Modernising the campus network to address these challenges has never been so clearly needed.

A modern campus network makes it easy and efficient to securely support large volumes of users, data, devices, applications and systems end-to-end across wired and wireless networks, 包括校外地点. It also provides fast access to the high-capacity bandwidth to support applications and services that improve student success from every perspective.

让我们来看看当今教育机构所面临的需求, and how a modern campus network can help them solve their educational, 健康和安全挑战.


Modern campus networks empower educational institutions to permanently accommodate student preferences, 学习方式和灵活性的需求. The existing network infrastructure was hurriedly adapted during the pandemic to meet urgent and supposedly temporary requirements. In contrast, the modern network infrastructure is designed and built from the ground up to provide the security, 一致性所需的可靠性和性能, 高质量的在线课程交付.

The modern network also empowers students and faculty to incorporate new and more sophisticated digital learning tools and technologies into their courses — whether they are participating on campus or remotely. 以获得更有吸引力和互动式的教育体验, 学生可以利用高清视频, virtual reality, 增强现实和其他尖端技术.

适用于中小学生, a modernised network fully supports personalised learning pedagogy, 1:1设备教室和安全采用科学, technology, 工程和数学(STEM)和科学, technology, engineering, 艺术与数学(STEAM)课程.


Academic and societal pressures have long caused students mental grief, 特别是在高等教育中. However, the stress and uncertainty of the past few years – combined with rising rent, food and tuition costs – have pushed student anxieties to new levels. As a result, 许多学生都在与低能作斗争, concentration issues, depression and other challenges that hinder educational performance.

The modern campus network supports critical applications and services that help to counter mental health challenges. Online campus communities give students an easy way to collaborate, communicate with professors, 参与有意义的活动,并与其他学生联系. 还有提供提醒的数字助推技术, alerts and resources that help students stay on track and feel valued.


Technologies that protect the physical safety of everyone on campus and secure their personal data and course content are crucial. A secure and reliable, high-capacity, high-speed network that covers indoor and outdoor spaces meets these requirements.

改善集体安全, mass notification systems can instantly alert students and staff to emergency events such as a fire, flood, gas leak, 接近风暴或其他威胁.

For individual safety, panic buttons, safety hotlines and alarms can be implemented across campus and centrally monitored through a campus-wide safety dashboard.

说到校园弹性, the network continues to deliver online learning and critical campus services during and after unexpected events and emergencies. And it includes robust cybersecurity mechanisms that protect against unauthorised network access.

The next steps

除了学生成功的倡议, a modern campus network helps educational institutions streamline operations, 降低成本,打造品牌. By adopting an engaging approach to teaching using cutting-edge technology environment, institutions can build a reputation as future-oriented within an environment that offers a safe, 有爱心和吸引人的工作和学习的地方.

Upgrading to a modern, 校园网是一项重要的工程, so it is important to work with a network partner that provides deep experience, 技术专长和灵活, cost-effective approach. With the right partner, 战略与网络技术, 教育机构可以创造安全, agile and high-performance Ethernet and Wi-Fi network that supports the educational, 全校师生的健康和安全目标.

Greg Kovich

Greg Kovich


Greg Kovich领导ALE教育垂直业务的全球销售.  Greg has overseen or created several Education solutions including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “Safe Campus” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic Education Continuity” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 

He is a 1992 graduate of Indiana University with over 20 yrs experience in Information Technology.

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