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Weighing cost and benefit comparisons, 单面山学院 invested in a technology makeover from ALE and uncovered greater performance and improved user experience.

  • 西班牙语:美利坚合众国
  • Settore: Istruzione
  • Soluzione: Data center, 数字时代网络

Network distribution at 单面山学院 reached a pivotal point in serving its geographically diverse campuses. The IT team had to choose to keep the existing network on a maintenance program or invest in a technology makeover. 当进行比较时, 很明显, greater benefits would come from a fresh network using Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise switches, and the new opportunities revealed even better performance.

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise switches provide flexibility and consistency; with these solutions in place, 我们有更多的增长选择.
Jesse Dabill, Supervisor Technology Services, 单面山学院

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