Enabling Railway 4.0

Enrique Bolivar
febrero 25, 2020

Enable Railway 4.通过下一代通信和网络解决方案

Railway 4.0, also known as Digital Railway, is a major trend which is marked by the digitalization of the railway industry leading toward the automation of railway operations. 数字化转型正在进行中, through the adoption of new technologies, 对实现新的乘客体验至关重要, improving security, and optimizing operations. Additionally, new technologies that reduce negative environmental impact and enable economic growth and social sustainability are now available.

根据安德鲁·海恩斯最近的推特, Chief Executive of Network Rail, “……未来15年,我们网络中三分之二的信号系统将需要更换.”

技术是数字化转型的核心. The railway industry is embracing disruptive technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), big data analytics, connectivity, and cybersecurity to innovate and enable the fundamental changes required to support the mandatory evolution.


New regulations, technologies, and business models are driving the most important outcomes in the railway industry which include:

  • A hassle-free journey
  • Service availability
  • Reduced operational costs
  • Increased capacity
  • Affordability
  • Efficient transport system
  • 多式联运或移动即服务(MaaS)


Digitalization is focused on specific areas of the rail sector such as mobile applications to improve the passenger experience and staff operations, including e-ticketing, train control, signaling, traffic management, and assisted and predictive maintenance.

As previously mentioned, for railway operators, there are three main evolution axes where significant changes through digitalization are expected: passenger experience, operations and security.

The passenger experience is driven by user-centric services offering digital transport services using mobile applications that allow passengers to stay connected and ease their journey. 优化运营是运输运营商的首要任务. The adoption of new business models, 以及连接业务流程和对象(IoT)以从传感器收集信息, will definitely improve train and railway maintenance and help in anticipating potential failures. According to Gerhard Kress, “Reliable knowledge of which parts are likely to fail in the near future will allow for close to 100% availability” . With that in mind, 连通性是乘客体验的重要组成部分, operations, and security. 互联互通也是实现数字化转型的基础.


The ALE vision is to make transportation subsystems smart to enable better services to move people and goods. 对于ALE,智能意味着连接所有子系统的能力. To make that happen, ALE provides the right solutions based on a comprehensive mission-critical Network and Communications portfolio to enable the Railway 4.0 transition.  

Innovative solutions based on Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow™ Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) provide for the integration of business processes, end user applications and interconnection of objects to provide communication services such as alerts, text messages, 语音、视频通信和文件共享. 阿尔卡特朗讯OmniAccess®恒星无线局域网提供基于位置的服务(LBS), secure network infrastructure, 坚固耐用的设备,可以承受环境危害, 高性能网络解决方案,以支持物联网的采用, 以及管理紧急事件的具体通信解决方案, 所有这些都是全面ALE投资组合的一部分.

在铁路环境中,我们需要考虑五个关键领域:车站或站台, on-board, track side, 运营控制中心(OCC)和隧道. 就发展而言,每个领域都有自己的挑战和要求.

The station or platform is the first point of physical contact between the transport operator and the passenger. 多个应用程序和子系统在火车站运行,如安全系统, signalling system, information display, end user applications, operational staff applications, ticketing, billing system among others. 安全可靠的网络基础设施是高效运营的基础. 除此之外,还可以为乘客提供额外的服务. The combination of the solutions made available by Rainbow CPaaS and LBS enables accurate and personalized end user services including:

  • Indoor location wayfinding, geofencing and people tracking: The passenger can receive personalized and contextual information in real-time through automated services via chatbots using LBS and CPaaS integration.
  • Ticketing support: Autonomous travel experience through real-time support on ticketing kiosks or virtual counter assistance during the ticketing process.
  • Emergency notifications: Two-way notification services—passengers alert the security team or the security team alerts passengers.


On-board services provide an extension of the station services that let passengers stay connected even when they are on the train. The Wi-Fi network, LBS和CPaaS集成提供了对信息娱乐服务的访问, interaction with train staff, passenger community, 还有其他火车服务,比如餐厅入口.

轨道侧是最容易暴露风险和危害的区域之一. It is subject to different environmental conditions as well as malicious attacks as it is outdoors and often extends across vast areas. A secure, reliable and ruggedized network infrastructure is vital to support mission-critical operations that enable communication services between the staff in the field and the OCC. 24小时监测和操作是必不可少的轨道边活动.

OCC是铁路运营的大脑. Collaboration is the cornerstone of enabling coordination between different stakeholders to ensure smooth operations that keep trains running and on schedule. 以下是CPaaS集成如何提供帮助的示例:

  • CPaaS integration into business processes and interconnection with different sensors allow the seamless collaboration between all stakeholders. 这包括列车操作员经理, cleaner, maintenance, caterer, 乘务人员和操作人员实现“列车准点发车”的共同目标.” The stakeholders can be informed of task progress and share real-time information to resolve issues.
  • For assisted maintenance, Rainbow CPaaS can be integrated with smart glasses to enable remote technical assistance between experts at the operations center and field engineers using multimedia communications to reduce downtime.


Tunnel operations are another critical area as they involve working in potentially dangerous zones. Close collaboration between the OCC and maintenance staff in the field is vital to ensure efficient maintenance operations, keep tunnel workers safe and secure, 并迅速解决问题和紧急事件. 由于环境危害,隧道环境与轨道侧环境相似, 使需求和解决方案相似. 以下是一些针对独特隧道挑战的具体解决方案:

  • Rainbow CPaaS和LBS为单独工作人员提供跟踪保护. Track maintenance staff can be informed when maintenance personnel go into the tunnel and remote maintenance can be coordinated between the OCC and the staff in the tunnel through real-time task progress control via IM, voice and video.
  • Ruggedized data network infrastructure provides IP network connectivity for emergency and maintenance operation activities.


铁路的未来正受到许多不同挑战的推动. 数字化转型等技术概念, AI, IoT adoption, MaaS, 大数据分析和其他技术将铁路带入了21世纪.0. 运营商需要拥抱数字化以提高效率, 支持未来的挑战,提高安全性.

Learn more about how 阿尔卡特朗讯企业铁路解决方案 能让你的智能铁路为今天和明天服务吗. 

Enrique Bolivar

Enrique Bolivar


As Solution Manager for Transportation, Energy and Utilities, 恩里克负责制定解决方案, 这些不同领域的价值主张和内容, supporting the global ALE sales team. 拥有超过15年的电信火狐体育手机经验, specialising in the enterprise market, Enrique是ALE国际中心售前团队的一员, 为全球销售和售前团队提供广泛的支持. 他的专长包括端到端解决方案、网络VoIP设计、UCC和UCaaS解决方案.

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