

建设未来智能校园的五个建议: How to support the higher education needs of the future

You expect to find a lot of smart people on a university campus—but it’s not just the students and faculty who are smart: Today, 校园本身就是智能的!

高等教育正在迎来一场新的技术革命. 它不仅仅是课堂上的合作教学和学习体验, 或连接, 管理和IT团队的实时工具. 由于数字化转型, this revolution also includes Smart Building and 智能校园 solutions that automate the monitoring of management, 整个校园的运营和安全. 这是多么聪明啊?

支持ing these innovations requires high performance connectivity to deliver data and communications across the university infrastructure securely. 不幸的是,并不是所有的学校都有这个基本要求.

在最近的一次会议上, 我碰到了苏珊。, an old acquaintance who’s an IT director at a large state university that focuses on scientific research. 多年来, the university dealt with its always-growing need for bandwidth by adding more and more individual IT networks for different departments and applications, 随着需求的增加. This hodgepodge of networks has always been a colossal pain to manage for the IT team. But as these networks become increasingly critical for handling everything from student Wi-Fi connectivity to data flows between research labs and 物联网 campus security solutions, keeping this patchwork of multiple overlapping networks secure and reliable has become a nightmare. 这让苏珊夜不能寐, particularly since the university’s government–funded research now requires advanced levels of data security. Achieving this degree of data protection on a fragmented network infrastructure is next to impossible.


不幸的是,苏珊的情况并不罕见. Dealing with the complexity of the campus’s underlying IT and communication network is a major part of her team’s day-to-day responsibilities, leaving little time and few resources to deliver more innovative services to students, 研究人员, 教员和大学管理人员.

然而,这片乌云也有一线光明. I offered Susan the following tips for evolving her university’s existing network into a robust, 安全、易于管理的数字创新基础.

• 选择一个单一的、强大的网络生态系统 它可以连接校园里所有的人、流程、设施和设备. This single infrastructure will serve as a foundation of all campus IT and communications systems. 这里的关键词是“单身”.” A fully integrated network lets university IT teams address the complexities of managing campus networks with a truly unified approach that allows all IT and communications systems to work together as a single, 可靠的网络. 统一管理还提供了一套通用的网络服务, 政策, 以及适用于所有用户的身份验证过程, 确保在任何设备上保持一致的QoS, 在校园里的任何地方.

• 部署分层的网络安全方法,防止黑客入侵. 安全必须成为校园网基础设施的基本组成部分, 尤其是校园是宝贵数据的金矿. In part that’s because many campus networks were originally designed to make connectivity easy, 这也使得它们相对容易被入侵. 鉴于当今网络犯罪的飞速发展, a multi-layered security strategy with full network virtualization and 物联网 containment is required for protecting sensitive university data.

• Make sure your campus physical security infrastructure is connected to a reliable, real-time network. It’s a sad reality that campuses and universities are not always safe environments for students and faculty. Make sure your network supports real-time emergency communication solutions that deliver situational awareness, 反应协调和紧急情况大规模通报系统.

• 支持学生的成功和学业成就. Today’s students have high expectations for connectivity services that bring digital superpowers to both faculty and students. A robust network supports the latest teaching and learning technologies and—by breaking down silos of information—opens up new ways to collaborate and share bright ideas and insights.


• 使用智能、自动化的网络管理工具减少IT超载. IT pros like Susan need a single-view management interface to manage the complexity of the networking infrastructure. This provides a unified set of 太ls to provision, monitor, analyze and troubleshoot the network. 该平台必须能够快速扩展以满足新的需求, 支持最新的应用程序,包括快速增长的移动性, 物联网 and Smart Building applications—and simplify operations through automation and network self-configuration.

我希望这张清单能帮助你思考, 太, as you plan to upgrade your network and communications infrastructure and lay the groundwork for a smart digital campus.
但正如我向我的朋友苏珊保证的, don’t let the thought of transforming your current network add more hassle to your already 太 stressful schedule. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise has solutions and services that can help make the process risk and pain free.

欲知详情,请浏览 http://leschies.fc-daudenzell.com/en/industries/education.




格雷格Kovich领导ALE教育垂直业务的全球销售.  Greg has overseen or created several 教育解决方案s including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “安全的校园” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic 教育的连续性” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 

He is a 1992 graduate of Indiana University with over 20 yrs experience in Information Technology.





而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



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一个现代, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 
